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How to establish healthy habits at work for successful entrepreneurs

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Staying healthy while hitting the daily grind to become a successful entrepreneur can be overwhelming. You might be thinking that you have too much to do with too little time and you’ll focus more on your health after your small business takes off.

I’m not one to tell you you’re wrong but… you’re wrong.

Focusing on your well-being tends to be one of the first things successful entrepreneurs focus on in their daily lives. Whether they spend time on their physical, mental or emotional health, entrepreneurs create healthy habits that improve their chances at being successful everyday.

These healthy habits are formulated to keep your work schedule as stress-free as possible. It might take a few minutes to complete each task during your day but you are bound to be more productive and efficient.

Easy habits can be integrated into your routine with the right tools, like a dependable water bottle or a separate note pad. It won’t take much to get started with these healthy habits, but it should make a world of difference in your productivity and health while you’re at work.

Make small steps to make these healthy habits a normal part of your routine. Each one will help your small business as you continue to grow and acclimate to your new role.

Physical Health Habits

Drink water

Water is so important to track throughout the day. Most specialists claim you should be having anywhere from 8-10 glasses of water a day and at least half your body weight in ounces if you are trying to lose weight.

As a busy successful entrepreneur, you are most likely always on the go or working on your next project. This means you need to stay hydrated. That extra soda at lunch will not help you get through your last meeting at 4 p.m.

Try investing in a water bottle that helps you keep track of your water intake. I use a MIRA 32 oz insulated thermos so my water can stay cold and I don’t have to constantly refill my bottle during my shift.

Meal Prep/Take Your Lunch to Work

I’m a big supporter of preparing an easy and healthy lunch and taking it to work rather than going out to eat. Not only is it healthier for you, but it’s also cheaper in the long run.

I tend to stay fairly simple for lunch and then get a bit more creative for dinner. I can usually get by with chicken and veggies at work without too much fuss. It keeps everything simple and clean no matter where I go.

I typically meal prep the duration of my paycheck, so about every 2 weeks. This gives me a routine and schedule to figure out what and how much of each item I’ll need for 2 weeks with a bit of wiggle room tucked in.

Related Content: 5 Easy and healthy lunch ideas for work

30 minutes of Exercise

While I love to stay prepared for my meals, I fall behind when it comes to sticking with an exercise routine schedule. I like to exercise, just not on a consistent basis.

It’s considered healthy to complete 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day. This can mean jogging, cycling, some form of yoga, or completing a circuit workout routine.

This type of moderate exercise should make you sweat and need to hydrate during the routine. Make sure you grab a water bottle, like my MIRA 32 oz insulated thermos, or have the ability to rest and grab a sip at the nearest fountain.

Related Content: 5 quick morning workouts for a healthy entrepreneur mindset

Mental Health Habits

Read for 30 min.

My favorite hobby! As a successful entrepreneur, it’s important that you expand your mental capabilities by broadening your horizons. What better way to do this than reading new and exciting books!

Not only is reading a great past time, but you are able to learn so much in the comfort of your home by opening a compelling novel about anything you want. I try to branch out and wander through new sections of my local bookstore when I have the chance or venture to a current event in a reliable news source online.

When reading, make sure to challenge yourself with a new topic or genre that challenges your way of thinking. You won’t grow if you don’t venture outside your comfort zone.

Related Content: 5 successful habits to start as an entrepreneur

Prepare for Tomorrow

You can determine how preparing you’ll need for your next day at work, but try to at least create a bulleted list of the tasks you hope to accomplish. You shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself but prioritize the tasks you’ll need to accomplish as the day or week goes on at the end of the day.

Looking ahead allows you to focus your energy on tasks that are required firsts rather than floundering your highly-valued time. You might spend some of that energy preparing for those priorities but not as much compared to the energy you’ll spend if you have to guess about your to-do list the next morning.

Try to accomplish your whole list, but don’t fret if you have some tasks leftover. Make sure to finish high-priority tasks first and have lower-prioritized tasks pushed to the next day.

Clean your Workspace

Which leaves you calmer: papers piled high, littered over a desk with possible cup rings from sodas long forgotten or papers stacked in a corner of your desk with everything in its place? I hope you picked the latter because I’m itching to pick and sort through the papers and put them into order.

I’m not always organized when it comes to my workspace but I’ve been trying to put in a larger effort to create a welcoming space, not just for me, but also for my coworkers who share my space. Remember, it might be your desk, but your coworkers are the ones who have to visit and that’s when they make their impression of you.

If you are having trouble finding ways to organize your workspace, try reading Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life by Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein. It's specifically made to make your workspace simpler and more organized!

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Emotional Health Habits

It’s Alright Not to Finish

Your to-do list will not always be full of crossed or checked off items. You might only accomplish a few items during your day some days. Congratulate yourself for the things you’ve accomplished and add your unaccomplished items on to the next day’s list.

Feeling accomplished and proud of your work is a great way to prioritize your emotional health habits when things pile up. You might need to learn how to prioritize more or realize when to ask for help from your coworkers or your boss when finishing tasks becomes overwhelming.

If you realize you’re having trouble accomplishing your tasks assigned to you for any particular reason, arrange a time to sit down and evaluate what is taking over most of the time. If you aren’t able to or enjoy a task, see if you have the ability to outsource or how there’s a quicker process.

Take a Break

You should be trying to move around every hour you sit at work. Seeing as how many industries have transitioned to a sedentary position, you should learn some easy ways to exercise or at the least stretch while at your desk.

I find it really cathartic to take a lap around the block or around my office building. It’s at a leisurely pace for about 5 minutes, so it doesn’t take much time or is very strenuous. Not only does it allow me to stretch, but it also allows me to think of things differently during my walk.

If you need to switch environments completely, try going outside. Whether you go to a parking lot or to a mini-oasis, you are able to breathe some fresh air and see new perspectives.

Related Content: Easy exercises and stretches to perform for a complete workout at your desk during work

Limit Distractions

Distractions can be many things in the workplace, and not always our own fault, but one of the biggest distractions can be social media. If you find yourself constantly checking out how well Suzie’s business is doing compared to yours or how cute those animal pictures are at the local animal shelter, you will get nothing of importance done.

I would suggest installing an app, like Self Control, if you are able to check these sites on your computer, or designating your phone to a particular drawer in your desk if you check your phone.

It’s not always easy keeping the distraction away at home, with kids and extra-curriculars needing semi-constant contact, but it should be a priority that you are in a space that optimizes your productivity and professionalism.

Every one has there own ways of tackling their work life. Making at least one of these healthy habits, whether you bring a water bottle to work to drink more water or make a to-do list at the end of the day, will help you become more productive and healthy at work.

You’ll probably have to consciously remind yourself when you first start to work on these healthy habits throughout the day. However, after about 2 weeks, your work and efficiency will have improved in your work life.

Do you need more tips on how to make healthy habits at work? Join my e-newsletter to learn more about the life of a successful entrepreneur and how to make your own successful lifestyle.